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Life and Death of Adolf Hitler de James Giblin

Descripción - Críticas * 'The most complete and successful biography of the Fuhrer available for this audience. It takes courage to write fairly about the person who perpetuated almost certainly the most suffering and misery in the 20th century, and Giblin accepts this mantle and bears it nobly.' --School Library Journal, starred review 'Opening with an overview of dictators throughout history, Giblin, always a graceful, unemotional stylist, traces the life and actions of the leader of 'the thousand year Reich' in a straightforward and lucid manner. . . . In a time when people, young and old, are unaware or have forgotten that people like Hitler, his nation, his followers, and his high command existed, Giblin's carefully researched account is more important than ever. It is so readable that it should hold younger readers and educate older ones who may need their brains refilled with this history. An essential purchase.' --Kirkus Reviews * 'This insightful historical overview describes the social, political and economic conditions that proved ripe for the dictator's ascent.' --Publishers Weekly, starred review * 'Hitler's cold eyes stare out from the cover photograph of this excellent biography. . . .Giblin moves beyond political events and delves into the twisted realms of Hitler's strangely contradictory personality.' --Booklist, starred review 'The author succeed[s] admirably in producing a book that explains Hitler to young people. Compact, readable, and well documented.' --Riverbank Review Reseña del editor Many people believe Hitler was the personification of evil. In this Sibert Medal-winning biography, James Cross Giblin penetrates this facade and presents a picture of a complex person-at once a brilliant, influential politician and a deeply disturbed man. Giblin explores the forces that shaped the man as well as the social conditions that furthered his rapid rise to power. Powerful archival images provide a haunting visual accompaniment to this clear and compelling account of a life that left an ineradicable mark on our world. Biografía del autor James Cross Giblin is the author of more than twenty critically acclaimed books for young people. The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler received the Robert F. Sibert Award for informational books. Mr. Giblin lives in New York City.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Life and Death of Adolf Hitler
  • Autor: James Giblin
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Lugares y culturas
  • Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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